Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. - Tecnet Network

Monitoring Network TM-71

gallery "A" Bedrichov
(Czech republic)

Site: gallery "A" Bedrichov
Country: Czech republic
Coordinates: N 50°47'58,0''
E 15°6'8,0''
Google Earth:

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Gauge count: 4 (A 235, A 2378, A 792, A 881) - numbers represent the distance of the device from gallery entrance (in meters)
Position: Water-supply gallery near Bedrichov village
Geological situation: Bohemian massif, Krkonose-Jizera mts. pluton, Jizera granite
fault 1
A 235, A 881 - sudetic direction
Course of inclination: 204 ° / Sklon: 86 °
Installation date: 11/2005, 8/2004
fault 2
A 278
Course of inclination: 120 ° / Inclination: 83 °
Installation date: 11/2005
fault 3
A 792
Course of inclination: 120 ° / Sklon: 75 °
Installation date: 8/2004
Coopering institutions:
  • Czech geological survey (web)
  • References:
  • Stemberk J., Košťák B. (2008): Recent tectonic microdisplacements registered in Bedřichov Tunnel "A" in the Jizerské hory Mts. (N Bohemia). - Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 5,4 (152), 377-388 (download)
  • Picture/Photo:
    (click for enlarge)
      Device No. A 792 installed over a fault of Krusne Hory direction (30°)