Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. - Tecnet Network

Monitoring Network TM-71

Gulf of Corinth - fault Heliki - H2

Site: Gulf of Corinth - fault Heliki - H2
Country: Greece
Coordinates: N 38°11'22,36''
E 22°9'55,42''
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Gauge count: 1
Online monitoring   Show measurement over the last 30 days
fault 1

Course of inclination: 20 ° / Sklon: 67 °
Installation date: 8/2002
  • Stemberk, J., Košťák B. (2007): 3-D trend of seismic creep along active faults in western part of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 4, 1 (145), 53-65 (download)